St. Charles North High School

Home of the NORTH STARS

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Class Advisor's Speech

by Dr. Natalie D. Nelson, Class of 2005 Advisor
Wednesday, May 25, 2005

It is not the year 1492, 1776 or even the dawn of 2000. All refer to important events that have shaped our country, but the dates we are here tonight to celebrate and enter into the books of District 303 history are September 4, 2001, and May 29, 2005. One of these has since passed and the other has yet to occur, but together the span represents a very important time for those who are seated here before you in royal blue. On September 4, 2001, a week before our nation changed forever, these 420 students experienced their first day of high school and May 29, 2005 is the date commencement exercises will be held as the Class of 2005 graduates from St. Charles North. What does it truly mean to make it through these four years of education? Each one of these fine young men and women could stand here and tell you stories that are uniquely individual to them and you would get a very accurate picture of the high school experience St. Charles North offers, but here are just some of the things that they have all accomplished together:

•  Hearing "Welcome to North Star Country" for the first, and, almost the last, times

•  Attending approximately 700 days of school

•  Having the opportunity to make it to class 5000 times while maneuvering through crowded hallways, knowing that the bell is going to ring. In order to be successful, one has only to run UP the stairs and around the corner to make it on time and, being close to the staircase, one knows he/she can make it, until one is halted in his/her tracks by the voice that simply says, "I'm sorry, this is the DOWN STAIRCASE."

Oh well, 1 tardy out of a possible 5000 isn't bad.

•  Successfully parking one's car in the range, gravel lot, or reserved space for approximately 350 days.

•  Making it to lunch, deciding what nutritious options you will partake in for the day, purchasing said items, finding a seat, and eating the essential elements of a good meal all in 23 minutes.

•  Winning Homecoming Co-Ed Volleyball for 3 years straight

•  Winning Male Cheerleading 3 years running AND

•  Winning Homecoming Week and the North Star spirit flag two years in a row

But, somewhere between the hallways and the parking lots, the spirit weeks and the dances, the late nights and the early mornings, you've learned skills and knowledge that have helped you grow in understanding and appreciation. You've inquired and taken initiative to delve into disciplines of interest and examined different dimensions of issues that affect you as an individual. Your passion pushes you to persevere past the present and beckons you to answer the call and the challenge of continuing on in the never- ending pursuit of excellence and that, that is why you are here.

In a few short days, you will graduate from St. Charles North High School. The word commencement means "a new beginning" and all of us here and afar who love and care about you cannot wait to share in your joy and excitement as a new journey is on the horizon, but tonight, we are here to honor you as leaders and to answer a question that I'm sure has crossed your mind lately, but from a slightly different perspective. The question: "Will people remember us after we're gone?"

The answer:
Leaders leave footprints to show where they have been. Often, though, you will not find the trail they have left behind by looking on the ground. You will need to be purposeful, passionate, diligent and determined for only then will you find the mark of true leaders by looking at the hearts of all those they have touched.

How, you might ask, have you touched us, Class of 2005? From the very beginning you have invited us to take this journey with you. One that began at the corner of Red Gate Road and Route 31 in a building simply known as St. Charles North High School .

Within these walls, you have ensured that there are beautiful paths that lead to learning and all ways are paved with meaningful experiences and wonderful opportunities. You have built long-lasting relationships, shaped historical traditions, and have taken the responsibility to uphold our personal honor, character and integrity. You have never wavered in your ability to reveal the true nature of who we are and what we represent.

You embody a vision that celebrates all who further their education at St. Charles North High School whether it is in the classroom or on the stage; in the halls or on the printed page. You honor one another each time a team takes their mark, on the court or on the field. You celebrate your strengths, your diversity and your successes and realize that your family and friends will serve as cornerstones with their continued patience, encouragement, and love as you travel along the path of educational excellence.

You revere the colors of royal blue, black, and silver as regal symbols of virtue, loyalty, and tradition and recognize that as you need guidance and move ever closer towards your aspirations, the North Star will continue to illuminate your path.

Congratulations Class of 2005 and thank you for letting me be an advisor to you throughout this adventure. May each one of you look to the horizon and see the bright glow in the distance. It is there where we see you; where your hopes, dreams, highest expectations and ambitions lie and where you will stand forever, shining brightly, in the sky.

For questions, comments or suggestions, please contact Todd Hewell